Saturday, May 23, 2009


It's been a boring week. Excluding joining the juniors for their last game of the season, nothing really happened. Venu came over for a few days, so spent sometime chatting and watching cricket with him. The game against RJC was quite fun to watch. One, because RJC batted gloriously. Yea sure they're much better trained and all, yada yada, but there is quite the difference in the level of technique. Of course its always funny when they can't bowl us out, I mean come onnn, its pretty much the entire U-19 team! And we're TJC! Get us all-out first boyo, then we can talk about Malaysia. hahaha. Just kidding. I don't want flamers on my blog.

Game for GE tomorrow. I really want to do well. Bat well, bowl well (if they give me the ball that is) and field well. I'll declare I've been doing the last one, but I've let myself down on the batting front. i want to make it up tomorrow. :D

Talking to Varun is always damn fun. hahahahaha.



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