Sunday, July 6, 2008

Emo Week

Sorry I didn't post my song of the week yesterday, I was out due to nonsensical reasons the whole of yesterday. First the SMO second round which was DISASTROUS and DEMORALIZING, and then the RGS ICS night, which to me was an unnecessary waste of time. Well anyway, since this week has been really emo for me, I've been listening to some of the more hardcore rock songs that I used to listen to back in secondary two. Things like Smile in your Sleep by Silverstein, and Dear Everybody by JamisonParker have come out of the closet once again. But this shall be my song of the week. This is Anthem of our Dying Day, by Story of the Year. Quite a dark, depressing, moody song, so it was perfect for this rubbish week. So sue me.

I really don't have anything else to say this time. Lol. Its just been one of those weeks.


"Take this stupid heart,
I know it's all you ever want me for.
And I hope you keep it close,
so that everyone knows
that it's all because of you,
that im dead to the world."

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