Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The fat lady sings

Well there it ends.

With a loss to SAJC, TJC have officially crashed out of the 11-a-side tournament. Now the only thing to look forward to, is the 8-a-side. Hopefully that goes better. Guess it was a good game today but like Manbir said, the team that made less mistakes won today.

I just finished reading the novelization of Black Hawk Down (I actually think the novel came first, not too sure about that). People ask me constantly, as to why i find the movie and the book so amazing. Simply put, it's because everything that is portrayed in both the book and the film, really happened. Enough said. That on its own is pretty unbelievable (You won't get why, unless you actually read the book.)

I was actually going to talk about my experience in TJC Cricket over the 4 years but I've decided that it will take me more time for me to actually get my thoughts in order and actually reflect on the 4 long years. Ill also wait for the 8-a-side tournament to finish before I really speak out.

Right now, I've got SATs (THIS SATURDAY) to study for, Physics test to study for, Violin to practice (BLEAGH) and school work to catch up on.


"Sing with me now,
sing for the year,
sing for the laughter,
sing for the tear.

Sing with me now,
just for today.
Maybe tomorrow the Good Lord
will take you away."

(P.S I don't seem to be able to damn well get the time at the bottom of the posts right. Anyone knows how to?)


vellay said...

hey (:

Finance stuff said...

post options in that small bar just on top of the save draft thingy

haha heard it was a good fight against sa though